Hi-Fi Audio
Any audio system is composed of several individual components. The source, the interconnects, the pre-amplifier, amplifier(s), cabling and speakers - all of these play a role in the signal chain.
Perhaps of greatest interest are often the speakers themselves; manufacturers make great efforts to design and market a product that will prove attractive to perspective buyers. While this is a noble pursuit on paper, reality is often far less forgiving - between the time a speaker is conceived on paper and installed in your home, a myriad of variables usually happens. The end result is usually never on spec; manufactures even admit to this by using the disclaimer, "Specifications are subject to change without notice."
As a way to overcome this phenomena and turn the tables, an audio calibration can often yield performance gains that were previously thought impossible. Even just simple steps (like aiming your speakers and positioning them correctly) will return huge and immediate sonic improvements. Having been trained and certified by THX, HAA and Audio Control to identify and resolve common pitfalls as well as operate and understand Real-time Analyzers, we can help unlock lost potential.